JSON is nice and simple. Parsing

  "ent_search": {
    "listen_host": "::0"

with JSON.parse(s) would return {"ent_search"=>{"listen_host"=>"::0"}} as expected.

Parsing YAML is not as simple. What would parsing

  listen_host: ::0



YAML.load(s) returns {"ent_search"=>{"listen_host"=>:":0"}}.

What is the difference? YAML.load(s).dig("ent_search", "listen_host") is a (Ruby) Symbol, in this case with the value :":0".


YAML.safe_load(s) on the other hand, which is what you should use when parsing YAML from users, will raise an exception:

~/.rbenv/versions/2.5.8/lib/ruby/2.5.0/psych/class_loader.rb:97:in `find':
  Tried to load unspecified class: Symbol (Psych::DisallowedClass)

Now what?

For now, I think the simplest option is to use YAML.safe_load and quote values starting with a semicolon:

  listen_host: "::0"

But I would like there to exist a YAML.json_load method (with a better name) that would support the unquoted variant. Perhaps that’s something to look into and propose for ruby/psych.